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kate winslet haircut 2011

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  • LSlugger
    Oct 24, 08:54 AM
    The MacBook Pro isn't the only model to get attention today. The iMac is now available with a 750 GB hard drive, for $200 more than the 500 GB drive. Good news for storing DVDs or high-def programs.

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  • prostuff1
    Oct 23, 09:12 AM
    Wow, this seems like a really stupid move!!

    Someone correct me if i am wrong here but what this means is that if a mac user wants to install windows in bootcamp and parallels he is going to have to get the business or premium edition??

    It is a good thing i get software (all windows, which sucks) through my school for free. I would never pay $400 just te be able to run it in a virtualized environment.

    Also, i am assuming that if and when parallels figured out how to use the bootcamp partition to run windows in there software that would frack the EULA and therefor you would be SOL with help from microsoft. Now that puzzles me because technically there is only one copy of windows installed on the machine, but since it is being used via bootcamp and parallels it breaks the EULA and again you are out of luck.

    Microsoft seems to be going about this totally backwards to me. I don't understand there insistence on so many different versions of the same crap. why not make like 3-4 versions instead of 7 (or whatever number it is). Make one for home users, one for businesses, and an ultimate edition. Then a server version. That to me seems so much easier.

    Oh well, i get it for free anyway so i'm not sure why i am complaining.

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  • ezekielrage_99
    Jul 30, 07:55 AM
    MS Natural Keyboard is also good.

    Apple mouse is beautiful and using one is not very stressful for your hand. Scroll ball in the Mighty Mouse is the best I've used and there's no comparison.

    The only bad Apple mice were the hockey pucks.

    Yeah the MS Natural Keyboard is good, but sorry the Mighty Mouse just plain is a mighty sucky product. The ergonomics sucks, the scroller thingy gets dirty and hardly work and ithe Mighty Mouse is by far too expensive compared with other better products on the market.

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  • TwoSocEmBoppers
    Mar 16, 11:08 PM
    Any idea where the best place for a black 16 wifi would be? I think that's all I really need, no 3g and i'll only have apps, maybe a movie here or there when traveling, no? Brea is the closest to me but it sounds like a battlefield, i'd prefer a Best Buy since I have giftcards but my recent time spent there makes me feel like i'd rather spend the money in gift cards to not have to go there again.

    Was at Brea this morning and it was pretty good. They received about 50 or so iPads with a lot of 16GB Black Wifi. I'd recommend getting there no later than 5:30 if you want to be in the top 15. First person in line arrived at 4:30 today. Insane.

    Also, last word of advice on Brea, make sure you get INTO the mall. Find an employee entrance to enter through. The line starts AT THE APPLE STORE! Not outside the mall. Good luck.

    Lastly, don't plan on picking one up at Best Buy. There is a huge list to get them already and Best Buy will not have inventory for quite some time.


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  • rasmasyean
    May 1, 10:37 PM
    Killed in Islamabad, Pakistan. He was inside a mansion with some family. Can't believe he was hiding in plain sight, especially when It could have been easier for Pakistan which had been supposedly proactive in fighting the Taliban as well as Osama. Can't imagine this will help Pakistan-US ties in the least, rather strain them.

    Sound's unbelievable. LOL That's "hiding in caves" for you.

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  • chilipie
    May 2, 03:40 AM
    It seems like his hideout was found through careful analysis rather than by having anyone imprisoned, coerced or tortured. Perhaps there's a lesson to be learnt from all this.


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  • afireintonto
    Apr 22, 03:19 PM
    Long hair don't care. I'm keeping the iPhone 4 until my contract is up in 2012:)

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  • -Damian
    Jan 30, 11:06 PM

    - MacBook Air
    - iPad
    - iTouch
    - Apple Accessories

    Am I part of the Apple Family Now?

    :apple: Welcome!


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  • Queso
    Jul 21, 10:18 AM
    Finally Apple are back from those awful tanking sales G4 years, though will they ever break through that 5% glass ceiling?

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  • rdowns
    Jan 26, 08:38 AM
    I was waiting for it to hit 100 pages on my end before starting a new thread. :( Oh well.

    You poor boy. Will this leave a lasting scar? It wasn't 100 pages for me anyway as I view more threads per page. So there. :p


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  • ozreth
    Jan 30, 05:30 PM
    Been wanting a new TV for a while

    DUDE! Was that online or in store? I will go buy one today if they have them at my store. Been wanting a tv as well. Do you like it? Is 40" good for gaming and hooking a laptop up to?

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  • seanpholman
    Mar 15, 10:59 AM
    At the back of the line at FI and I am hearing they are all sold out now. I guess it was a good try. Congrats to the guys that got one.



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  • blackout8
    Jul 28, 08:00 AM
    Have you ever used Pandora.com? (It's pretty awesome)

    exactly, i'm sure the mini store has its uses but i mean compared to the others... i'm sure the itunes recommendations thingo is great for some people, but if you could stream music that is similar to your tastes / the current song ala pandora.com that would be 'saweet' :D

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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 16, 06:58 AM
    First, OS X is very much like the last versions of NeXTSTEP was, aside from Quartz/Appkit frameworks and GUI layer. Foundation is basically what was shipping in the 90s, the kernel/BSD userland, etc...

    Apple has done a lot of work on it, and I've said so in my posts several times. I'm not diminishing their work in anyway.

    Yeah, OS X is pretty much the same. There's nothing that apple has put in it. Most of the frameworks are derived from NeXTSTEP. Happy now?

    Again, I'm simply stating that pissing over Google because they "acquired" and used "open source" is quick disingenuous in the face of Apple having done the same for both their flagship OSes.

    No one is pissing over google's work. It was a response to one of your s*****[censored] comments, here:

    By that same vein, what has Apple ever developed that's anything close to a OS ? And no, Mac OS X, a bunch of components bought/taken from the open source community doesn't count... it's just a Unix distribution with a GUI layer on top.

    You replied to a person who was talking about ChromeOS being just a giant browser which is absolutely true.

    You sound like one of those people on engadget who are always claiming that Apple has just been copying/modifying stuff and selling it as their own.

    How do you know ? You saw Android in 2005 ? You can seriously compare what Andy's company made back then to what is actually shipping now ? The evolution from Android 1.0 to 2.3/3.0 is quite astounding by itself, who knows what went on between 2005 and version 1.0 that shipped in late 2009.

    That's not what I meant. I meant that Google buys a lot of companies and makes a lot of acquisitions and sell their product as Google's. There's nothing bad in that. But there's nothing false about it as well. Developing/Not developing Android was never my point.

    Why even attempt to diminish the work ? Apple does the same acquisition, they use open source projects to quicken development. The histories are similar, the goals are similar. Why hate Google over it, and why do you think it doesn't also reflect on Apple when you do ?

    OK, which company doesn't? Apple does it too. But they are not buying other people's products and just selling them outright. You know you're dreaming when you claim that Mac OS X has very less to do with apple and much to do with every other thing they 'copied'.

    I will leave the rest of your post out and just report it to the mods instead. I suggest editing your post to remove your clear lack of respect. If you want to discuss the merits of each at the fine detail, I don't think this is the thread for it. Again, let's drop the Google hate and talk OS X instead.

    Are you the one who's talking about lack of respect? Just look at your post history. You call people fools; you tell them they don't know anything.

    Nevermind, please report. Thanks.

    Very well said, just like you insert pro-google comments in every other thread.


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  • m-dogg
    Jul 25, 08:33 AM
    Does anyone know if the previous Apple BT mouse used laser? Or was it optical?

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  • BeSweeet
    Apr 26, 02:09 PM
    Could someone clarify this for me: Aren't hard drives too slow to make use of Thunderbolt anyway? In a typical USB 2.0 external hard drive, what is the bottleneck in speed: The speed at which the hard drive spins, or the USB 2.0 connection? If it's the USB, then why do people even care about the RPM of a drive? If it's the RPM, then isn't USB 2.0 fast enough to run a hard drive at its native speed?

    A faster HDD with a faster RPM will add to the speed. With USB 2.0 hard drives, USB 2.0 is the bottleneck. With USB 3.0 hard drives, it'll be the drives. For Thunderbolt, it will be the drives. Would be a while before we see any 10Gbps SSDs (hard drives will never be that fast), so USB 3.0 seems more practical for the time being.


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  • KPOM
    Apr 17, 07:49 PM
    Clock speed isn't everything. The sandy bridge i5 should be considerably faster. With that said, buying a MBA to do intensive things with is questionable to begin with.

    x2. Considering that Apple is the company who first talked about "megahertz myth" back in the days of the PowerPC, it's amazing how much ignorance there is about the Sandy Bridge Core i5. The CPU will be significantly faster. Look at the 13" MacBook Pro for some indication. The Core i5 in the 13" Pro is nearly as fast as the Core i7 was in the 2010 MacBook Pro.

    That said, we will see about a 30-40% drop in GPU performance. Gamers may want to stay away from the next MacBook Air. That said, those who don't game ought to be able to do "intensive things" with the Sandy Bridge CPU. MP3 encoding, photo editing, complex spreadsheets, etc. ought to be nice on the Sandy Bridge MacBook Air.

    To me, the decision on whether to upgrade will depend on what else is in the mix. If it comes with Thunderbolt and a backlit keyboard, I may pull the trigger. If it's the same computer but just with the Core 2 Duo/NVIDIA 320m swapped out for the Core i5/Intel HD3000 I might wait it out.

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  • Adidas Addict
    Jun 6, 05:23 AM
    Should have let the charge stand IMO, they agreed to the terms and conditons:rolleyes:

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  • NEvolution
    Sep 15, 07:14 PM
    OCZ Vertex 2E 60gb to replace the Momentus XT 500GB in my uMBP.

    May 1, 10:08 PM
    So the figure head who has had little to nothing to do with Al-Queada (a leaderless brand name of extremists at this point) since 9/11 is dead. Woo hoo. Meanwhile, terrorism in the world has only increased since the "war on terror" (something that was predicted and well known by US planners when gearing up for it).

    Time to start the USA chants. :rolleyes:

    Apr 15, 10:25 AM
    Just updated my iphone 4 to 4.3.2 and it will not connect to my computer or itunes. Giving me this error of 0x8000065.

    *******fixed by turning phone AND computer off and restarting computer, plugging in iphone 4 and allowing the connection to turn the phone on. Not sure why, but it worked********

    Mar 17, 08:16 AM
    any update for scp?

    Mar 15, 09:45 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_6 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E200 Safari/6533.18.5)

    And btw Fashion Islanders - I'm the guy in the orange jacket and tan cowboy boots - holla at ya boy! (and add me on facebook - hasan2008 at mac dot com)

    Oct 18, 09:02 PM
    yeah that's not a bigadv unit. i think you have to download the correct binary before you can use the -bigadv flag (i think). just take a look at stanford's web page for instructions.

    I thought I did everything right but... I did find that it was running another wu on 8 cores after I set it up, duh. Fixed that but it still won't pick up the bigadv so I thought maybe they are out of them? it will pick up normal wu's if it can't get bigadv one's. And maybe I need more than 6 GB of ram?

