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sarah michelle gellar hair color

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  • Full of Win
    Apr 28, 11:19 AM
    the iPhone doesn't compete against Android. The iPhone competes against all of the handsets running Android. And it's killing them. The 3GS as the second best-selling handset? That's frankly embarrassing for Android.

    Yes, the iPhone does compete against Android. The last time I went into a AT&T or Verizon store, this was obvious. To say that the iPhone does not compete against Android is silly.

    the most popular handset
    the 2nd most popular handsetBecause there is only two hardware choices, the iPhone 4 or iPhone 3GS. Making this argument is so empty, in that it does not take into account the reasons behind it.

    the most popular mobile OSHello Mr. Straw man. The article was about iPhone; if you read it it states "covering U.S. mobile phone sales". Now, if by mobile OS, you are also adding in the iPad, that is debatable. I've been a iPad 3G owner since April 30th and I can tell you that I do not consider the iPad a mobile device. Sure, its easy to carry, but to lump in its sales with phone handset sales is a stretch. If you are making that stretch, how about adding netbooks into the mix as well?

    the most popular tablet. Again, the article was about the iPhone vs. Andriod handset sales, not the tablet sales. Another Straw Man approach to a comment about iPhone handset sales.

    getting "badly beaten"?
    When your sales numbers for phones are ~50% of that of your competitor; whereas a few years ago they were barely a blip, then yes that means they are getting kicked in the teeth in handset OS sales.

    sarah michelle gellar hair color. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 26, 12:07 PM
    I wish everything were free. :rolleyes:

    On another note, if they need me to pay for streaming 'my own' content, then they can forget about it.

    If they are going to stream all kinds of content, unlimited number of times, then $7, $10 and I'm happy.

    But again, the basic service should be free.

    sarah michelle gellar hair color. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • ejl10
    Jul 25, 06:30 AM
    The Might Mouse is the worst piece of crap Apple has ever released. Everyone knows it!

    The only reason anyone would buy this thing is because of blind Apple brand loyalty.

    That and the fact that it matches my iMac better than any other mouse. But still, I'll use my Logitech wired until Apple can come up with a decent mouse. Form only gets you so far.

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  • randyharris
    Oct 24, 09:24 AM
    Wouldn't you know it, my Sister-in-Law's MBP just arrived Yesterday!


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  • DeathChill
    Apr 23, 01:17 AM
    Well, it looks like we actually agree. I just wanted to make this point clear that Apple cares only about profits (as all companies) which puts iOS users in a position where they have very few options: Apple way or highway. It's different with Android.

    How did I agree with that? It's quite obvious Apple puts an emphasis on pleasing the regular consumer, not spec junkies. Of course Apple cares about profits, I don't know how a company that doesn't can function.

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  • -aggie-
    Apr 30, 10:14 PM
    Which is why the real party begins after we know you are gone. When the kids are away, the adults will play. ;)

    Lap dances FTW.


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  • mscriv
    Mar 1, 11:10 AM
    Andy Kaufman (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andy_Kaufman#Tony_Clifton), as Tony Clifton, did it first, and far better.

    Just a little before my time, but I've seen specials on Kaufman that talk about how far he took it and that even his closest friends were confused at times. Some say that for him it was like a master joke he was playing on the entire world.

    Most people I know are horrified and of the opinion that he just ruined his career. I have to agree.

    Hold the phone Lee, are you telling me there isn't going to be another "Hot Shots" sequal! I'm going to have to go lie down for a while. ;)

    sarah michelle gellar hair color. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • AidenShaw
    Apr 29, 11:17 PM
    I bought some Christmas music that was tagged as miscellaneous not Christmas... That is annoying.

    Agree - christmas music is quite annoying.

    And the selection of Saturnalia music is quite thin.


    sarah michelle gellar hair color. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • WestonHarvey1
    Apr 22, 09:46 AM
    I still haven't seen the "killer app" that makes this higher mobile speed something I can't wait another year for. I know that's not the smartest way of looking at it - the higher speeds bring the innovations we haven't imagined yet. But I'm not seeing them on the Android platform, either.

    It seems to mostly benefit tethering - but tethering benefits other devices and not the mobile handled experience.

    Fast access to these new cloud music storage services is interesting, but the data caps practically kill their usefulness.

    sarah michelle gellar hair color. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • rusty2192
    Apr 14, 10:00 PM
    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5107/5617511987_6e779f0f17.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/48874590@N02/5617511987/)
    IMG_3839 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/48874590@N02/5617511987/) by Rusty2192 (http://www.flickr.com/people/48874590@N02/), on Flickr


    sarah michelle gellar hair color. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • Jason Beck
    Apr 9, 09:41 PM
    Those are some nice-looking jeans. I have no clue why, but my eyes were drawn there first. :D

    Thanks, I couldn't stop complimenting her on them too lol.

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  • muffinss
    Mar 31, 08:29 PM
    Why can't they just keep the nice, clean, simple looking iCal from snow leopard. There was nothing wrong with its interface/look. It blended nicely with the entire system. This new one is just horrible. What happened to the whole "unified" theme idea?

    I don't mind them porting over IOS features to OS X, as long as those features make sense and are useful for everyone and not a select few. Seeing them focusing so much development in iCal is really sad. Be nice to see them put that much effort into things were it counts, like OS performance and graphics and less in "touch/gestures/making iCal look like crap."


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  • SeattleMoose
    Apr 22, 07:10 PM
    it can double as a "knife"....

    sarah michelle gellar hair color. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • extrafuzzyllama
    Sep 15, 08:05 PM
    picked up new ink for printer and an enclosure and two hdds



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  • briansolomon
    Apr 13, 10:31 PM
    Can we get a $99 8GB model, too?

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  • Tones2
    Apr 26, 02:43 PM
    not everyone wants a dedicated home server that they load everything on and let it run 24 hours a day. We just have a MBA.... i'm not gonna load all my music on there and leave it plugged in 24 hours a day. Just not gonna happen.

    Exactly. It's more than just the $5 for the app and the data cap/bandwidth issues. It is wear and tear on a machine that has to be left on 24/7. It is the hydro cost of running that machine 24/7 instead of turning it off when you go out (this alone may well add up to more than $20/year!) If you don't want your main machine on 24/7 then it is the cost of another Mac mini or NAS or other device to act as the server instead.

    It is also wear and tear on your 2 TB drive that has to be on 24/7, as opposed to working more like a backup drive that's only activated occasionally to back up your music files. It is the hassle of ensuring AudioGalaxy and your server and your ISP internet connection are all up and running when you need them to be (dealing with power outages, internet outages, maintenance, restarts, software updates, etc.)

    $20/year might well be worth it for the uptime and hydro considerations alone.

    I don't have a dedicated server, just my normal home PC that I have iTunes on that I already sync my iPhone to. I put it in SLEEP mode - it consumes almost no power unless it's gets "woken up" by the streaming app, after which it puts itself back to sleep. It doesn't run 24 hours a day - only when I stream or am actually using it. Maybe 4 hours. I never have an issue.

    All the rest of the stuff (dealing with power outages, internet outages, maintenance, restarts, software updates, etc.) is nonsense. It's what I do normally or would only very remotely occur.



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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 25, 11:28 AM
    Anyone want's to buy off of me? 27" base model; UK [hardly used; applecare until late 2013] for �1250. :|


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  • George Knighton
    Apr 15, 08:23 AM
    3rd party apps crash, all of the them :mad: The standard Apple apps still work.

    Terrible update. :mad:
    That's strange. Not having the first problem here.

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  • citi
    Apr 28, 03:57 PM
    Sounds like a "who cares?" kind of thing, but that's actually kind of a big deal if it creates case fragmentation. Not good. Hopefully inaccurate.

    Case Fragmentation? HAAA! The funniest thing I have read all day.

    Apr 20, 10:39 AM
    that's easy, macbook without backlit keyboard is too ugly to me.

    Lol ok buddy. Hope your not waiting for there to be a backlit keyboard in the air because I doubt there will be. Apple took it out of the MBA for a reason not for the heck of it

    Jul 21, 11:36 AM
    is this 4.8% for the quarter or 4.8% total market share? if the former, nice, but no big deal; if the latter then very big deal.

    Jun 6, 09:08 PM
    I always love to bring that up at those Mcdonalds debates.

    Yeah, after all if you buy a coffee there u have to sign a waiver of responsibility for burns, then reply YES three times to the cashier asking "Are you sure you want to buy this potentially scalding-hot coffee?" ... but what's it matter, thanks to people not wanting to take responsibility we can't buy coffee above 82 degrees fahrenheit. lol


    Jan 29, 11:30 AM
    KLM tickets: Amsterdam - Los Angeles on April 29 --- San Francisco - Amsterdam on May 8.


    Making the Highway 1 route from LA to SF with my father. It's for my 16th birthday. :cool:

    Apr 16, 11:37 PM
    I have a really strange problem changing the background wallpaper. Every time my computer goes to sleep the old background will be back again. However, this can be solved with a simple Shut Down before going to sleep.

