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schwarzenegger child

schwarzenegger child. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • Shaun.P
    Nov 1, 03:34 PM
    I'll be happy with my car/road tax getting paid and some iTunes giftcards :).

    schwarzenegger child. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • wovel
    Apr 13, 07:44 PM
    Oh, this rumor, again (like the 4th time?)... :eek:


    I am not sure why it won't die. I suppose they might, I just can not think of any reason why. The Apple TV as a STB is a much better fit for them. Might they sell this to tv makes as an embedded option. Maybe. Will they make their own TV, I still don't see the point.

    schwarzenegger child. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • Zonz
    Dec 31, 05:26 PM
    ...And you bring religion into it? Seriously? :rolleyes:

    Anyway, to say that healthcare doesn't enter into the situation of someone that large is denial, plain and simple. You really shouldn't jump into such deep waters so ill-equipped, my friend. My original post and Knight's reply to yours already explain why this is a issue that affects more than just her.

    It sure is. I've never said otherwise. She can eat until she bursts for all I care. But there is a pretty big chasm between being selfish, and not wanting to pay for someone else's self-inflicted stupidity. Though I guess she's backed out of the plan anyway, cleaning up the hot biological mess of someone purposely trying to be "the world's fattest person" should happen on her dime, not mine.

    I think you missed the sarcasm in my God reference (God, not religion, but nonetheless IRONY MUCH?)... and no, I read every post and I understood them all, but my argument is not that she isn't a liability. It's that no one here has a right to decide where the line is between what lifestyle is so selfish that it is your personal concern.

    I'm ill equipped, huh?

    So I think you missed my point. I never said health care doesn't factor in, but my point was... every single person here is being hypocritical!

    You can argue all you want, and would be correct to say that every decision, including the choice to be fat, effects everyone else and not just yourself, but to judge her decision so harshly like you are is almost disgraceful.

    And just in case, I'll preemptive strike. No I am not arguing out of some personal defense to my own lifestyle. I am not fat, if anything I'm under weight. 5'11'' and 150 lbs.

    schwarzenegger child. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • FireStar
    Nov 16, 03:42 PM
    Did you google the Panerai?
    Unfortunately...... :p


    schwarzenegger child. %IMG_DESC_5%
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  • SeanZy
    Mar 11, 02:51 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_0_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8A306 Safari/6531.22.7)

    If you're at the brea mall I suggest going down imperial to the best buy only about 8 people in line here

    schwarzenegger child. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • ten-oak-druid
    May 4, 12:22 AM
    They'll likely time it to match the release of the sprint iphone.


    schwarzenegger child. %IMG_DESC_7%
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    Apr 23, 08:47 PM
    9 To 5 Mac's discovery is quite interesting as it shows that this is a recent and updated iPhone with an A5, rather then an old iPhone 4. Maybe the new iPhone 5 will bring some more carriers for the Americans, help slow the loss to Android?

    That is my thinking as well. There has to be increasing pressure on Apple from Android, the stats show it.

    schwarzenegger child. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • elvineet
    May 3, 08:10 AM
    Anyone else notice that apple.com (http://www.apple.com)'s front page is all about the white iPhone 4 even though it was updated with new iMacs? The new iMacs get a little tile on the bottom left.

    Pretty obvious who's the favorite ;)


    schwarzenegger child. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • SockRolid
    Apr 14, 12:55 PM
    Whatever "ix.Mac.MarketingName" is, I'll bet a benjamin that Eric Schmidt is clueless about it.

    schwarzenegger child. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • celticpride678
    Apr 15, 08:51 PM
    Hmmm. Can't get iPad updated, says that not compatible with the build.

    Nice. :confused:

    Too tired to even troubleshoot longer.
    But for anyone who wants to give me a tip.

    I restarted both iPad and iMac.
    Deleted and Re downloaded ipsw
    Hard reset iPad
    No dice. Never JB btw.

    Is iTunes up-to-date?


    schwarzenegger child. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • Christopher387A
    Apr 22, 05:54 PM
    That's hideous! :eek:

    schwarzenegger child. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • milo
    Aug 18, 03:27 PM
    Your colleague either downloads porn/warez, or there is a potential hard drive physical failure (bad sectors on the disk), or he has crappy 3rd party drivers. Seriously, I've never seen the blue screen in XP and I've used XP since it came out on 3 computers plus work. These jokes on the XP blue screen are so misinformed that the laugh is on the joker. XP is very stable considering how much compatibility it has to provide for the infinite combinations of drivers, software and hardware.

    Yet that doesn't change the fact that the BSOD still exists in XP.


    schwarzenegger child. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • garethlewis2
    Jan 28, 06:48 AM
    This is a good time for Apple.

    They can choose todo two things.

    One. Attempt to satiate the readers of the Wall Street Journal. Sorry to brake it to you, but Walt Mosberg has more say in the running of the company, than every customer of Apple. The investers read WSJ, not MacRumors. This means milking the iPod line and iPhone lines until they have sold every variation they can. Then still make an absolute crap profit as nobody wants to buy their sellout products.

    Two. When you are ********* over by the stock market as Apple have been with massively inflated expectations, you have breathing space. Nobody in the stock market is expecting you to well. The investors have been told by the market analysts that the stocks are junk so sell. Apple can now quitely invest money into new products as nobody who has any money thinks Apple is going to come back. Announce new products that people want to buy. iPhones in Europe are about as useful as canines on bovine. The result. The stock price shoots up.

    I actually expect Apple to go with option One. Option Two is far too sensible.

    schwarzenegger child. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • spritelyjim
    Mar 31, 11:47 AM
    I actually kind of like it. I think those of you complaining about the new look are forgetting some things.

    Yes, there is a need to make apps look and function similarly, so that the user can find his/her way around, and iCal does that. All the buttons are similar, and they reside in similar, if not exactly the same positions as before.

    BUT YOU CAN'T MAKE ALL PROGRAMS LOOK IDENTICAL!!! Why? because then you get confused as to which freaking program you're looking at! Remember when iTunes started looking exactly like Finder? That was crazy confusing. People who understand GUI creation know that to be efficient, your eye needs nicely defined targets, and if that nicely defined target happens to be a leather-textured header bar rather than the same freaking gray as every other program, then so be it.

    And gosh, it actually a pretty good texture. It's not harkening back to the crappy jpeggy/giffy textures of Windows 3.1. (Though as an aside, I find it strange that Apple is trying to push the "full-screen" apps ala EVERY SINGLE WINDOWS INCARNATION as some sort of innovation.)

    Edit: Though true to some comments, a nice, real looking, darker leather would be better than orange.


    schwarzenegger child. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 14, 06:21 PM
    Why don't you start reading things before making your incendiary comments?

    Reading what ? Someone trying to say TB is an evolution of Fiber Channel when it does nothing of what Fiber Channel is actually used for ? Have you even ever used Fiber channel ?

    schwarzenegger child. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • briansolomon
    Apr 13, 10:31 PM
    Can we get a $99 8GB model, too?


    schwarzenegger child. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • Macula
    Dec 1, 02:24 PM
    Apple needs to get serious about security. They cannot develop such an integrated, holistic line of products ("in your den, car, pocket,...") without tightening their security.

    Windows Vista is NOT Windows XP. Apple risks lagging behind in that area and, in an ironic reversal of fortune, being widely considered as inferior to Microsoft in terms of security.

    But if we agree that the development of a secure OS is all about utilizing sound design, coding and auditing processes, then we must also accept that the challenge will be very difficult for Apple to meet: You just cannot do that with Open Source...

    Maybe it's about time Apple closed the Mac OS kernel?

    schwarzenegger child. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • Don't panic
    Apr 27, 11:56 AM
    excellent job Intell.

    No reason to delay my initial vote today, so i'll start the dance with Nies

    schwarzenegger child. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • Michael383
    Apr 29, 01:50 AM
    Seriously, why not an Imac with touch-screen right now? Will we need to wait for the next iMac update to see this technology implemented?

    Based on experience with my Gateway all-in-one touch screen PC, Apple would be wise to keep avoiding it. Touch input on a desktop computer screen is not needed IMO.

    Apr 22, 04:41 PM
    Samsung gets on my nerves.

    Jul 14, 02:29 PM

    Jul 28, 08:42 AM
    Never too late.

    Isn't that what people said when Apple released the iPod - its too late... Now look.

    It's too late for Microsoft - they are just riding Apple's coattails now, in a desperate attempt to create something that can compete with iTunes+iPod...but thats all it is, a desperate attempt :eek:

    Mar 15, 01:42 AM
    I am going to head out to mine at around 8 AM when the mall opens and the apple store is opening 1 hour early so at 9 AM hopefully I can grab my 16GB 3G ATT.

    Even though ATT reception sucks in some places around OC, I don't use the 3G too much so it's better for the money and the free month.

    louis Fashion
    Apr 13, 08:14 PM
    one call makes you taller
    one call makes you small
    But the phone that mother gives you
    won't do anything at all

    just go ask ATT when it drops your calllll

